2023年4月19日 星期三

[Link] Digital Access Adoption Program (DAAP)

Making the Move to Digital Access

Introducing DAAP

The Digital Access Adoption Program was announced at SAPPHIRE Now in May 2019. The DAAP was designed in close collaboration with user groups to provide the insights needed to enable customers to make the decision to move to the Digital Access licensing model with transparency and complete confidence.


[Link] SAP Extends SAP Digital Access Adoption Program Through End of 2022

SAP recently announced that it had extended the Digital Access Adoption Program (DAAP) through December 31, 2022, giving SAP customers more time to make the decision to move to the SAP Digital Access licensing model, which provides customers with a modern, streamlined solution to SAP licensing.

[Link] SAP Insight: Indirect Access, SAP Digital Access and the DAAP

Indirect use of SAP can be a significant licensing risk. Is SAP’s Digital Access model the best way to manage this and should you take advantage of the Digital Access Adoption Program (DAAP) while it’s still available?

2014年8月21日 星期四

Correction of SD Document Status

1472007 - Document status has to be corrected

2014年7月21日 星期一

Reorganization of SD Document Index

Reorganization of SD Document Index

128947 - Correction of SD document indexes with RVV05IVB

2014年4月29日 星期二

How to read Report selection screen field values before PAI field transport


How to got the field value when you still in selection screen manipulating, example code as below:
*--- Update P_VSTEL
  dyfields-fieldname 'P_VSTEL'.
  APPEND dyfields.
      dyname     sy-cprog
      dynumb     sy-dynnr
      dynpfields dyfields.
  READ TABLE dyfields INDEX 1.

  IF dyfields-fieldvalue IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE i899 WITH 'Please enter Shipping Point first!'.
    CLEARgr_vstel,  gr_vstel[],
           gt_lipov,  gt_lipov[],
           gt_dn,     gt_dn[].
    gr_vstel-sign   'I'.
    gr_vstel-option 'EQ'.
    gr_vstel-low    dyfields-fieldvalue.
    APPEND gr_vstel.

2014年3月28日 星期五

[Link] Timezone changes best practices

How to check the timezone at different levels

  • Login to SAP system client  
  • Run the report from Tcode SA38   -> TZCUSTHELP
  • Run the report from Tcode SA38   -> RSDBTIME
  • Run this function module in SE37   -> TZ_SYSTEM_GET_TZONE
  • Run this report from Tocde SA38  -> TZONECHECK 

2013年7月3日 星期三

[Link] Foreign Currency Valuation - Resetting Posting on Basis of Valuation History

Foreign Currency Valuation - Resetting Posting on Basis of Valuation History

After postings have been made, you can reset them at a later point in time. For this, the program determines the relevant foreign currency items (line items) and foreign currency balances (accounts) as well as any corresponding valuation differences from the entries in the valuation history. In the case of foreign currency items, the system also creates a reset posting if the items were cleared before or on the specified valuation key date. It is not possible prior to enhancement pack 5 to reset posting, if the items were cleared before or on the specified valuation key date. This new functionality is only available via Enhancement pack 5.

[Link] Foreign Currency Valuation in SAP ECC 6

Foreign Currency Valuation in SAP ECC 6

This is the process to translate and adjust foreign currency amount of monetary accounts to local amount by a current suitable exchange rate (standard exchange rate).

2013年2月4日 星期一

[Code] How to catching selection criteria

How to catching selection criteria

  DATAselection_table LIKE rsparams OCCURS 0  WITH HEADER LINE.

  CLEAR selection_tableREFRESH selection_table.

* Get selection criteria

[Code] How to reference whole itab by name

How to reference whole itab by name

Example: clearing all selection criteria
FORM screen_clearing_all .
  DATAselctab         LIKE rsscr    OCCURS 20 WITH HEADER LINE,
        itabname        TYPE c        LENGTH 30.

                 <sele> TYPE ANY TABLE.

  CLEAR selctabREFRESH selctab.

* Get selection screen

2013年1月31日 星期四

[Code] How to use subquery to get correct record

Suppose ZSD001 is filled as below:
MATNR         DATAB           APPOINTFEE
MA12345       2008/12/01      500
MA12345       2009/12/01      1,000
MA12345       2009/12/15      2,000
Example Code:
    FROM ZSD001
   WHERE MATNR = 'MA12345'
                       FROM ZSD001
                      WHERE MATNR EQ 'MA12345'
                        AND DATAB LE '20091202'


Another example: (paste from RVAUFSTA)
                                         A~OBJNR IN R_S_OBJNR AND
                                         A~OBTYP EQ SDCON-HEADER AND
                                         A~STSMA NE STSMA_INI AND