2011年6月14日 星期二

[BAPI] to create sales orders

BAPIs to create sales orders for Returns and Debit Memo Request

I have to create a sales order for document type Returns as well as a debit memo request.The BAPI 'BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2' is giving the following error message for Debit Memo Request document creation as well as for Returns.
761 Unpermitted combination of business object BUS2032 and sales doc. category L
I found BAPIs:
‘BAPI_CUSTOMERRETURN_CREATE’ for creating sales document of type ZDRE and SD document category ‘H’.
‘BAPI_DEBITREQUEST_PROXY_CREATE’ for creating sales document of type ZDDR and SD document category ‘L’.
please let me know if anybody have used them. If so what values need to be passed to I_UPLOAD_ID, I_DESTIN, I_SFA_REL parameters of BAPI_DEBITREQUEST_PROXY_CREATE. Are there any alternative solutions using the Salesorder bapi.
I have to create documents based on the flat file data no reference sales document numbers are available.
Appreciate your help..
Good Day

