有時是因為系統參數 rdisp/gui_auto_logout 的關係,有時是因為網路設備的關係,當閒置時間超過設定時,就會中斷連線。
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report YIDLE *& Copyright (C) 2011 Song Huang<songhuang.tw@gmail.com> *& *& This program is open source; you can redistribute it and/or *& modify it under the terms of the GPL or Artistic License. *& These licenses are available at http://www.opensource.org *& *& This program must be used and distributed in accordance *& with the law. The author claims no liability for its *& misuse. *& *& This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *& but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *& MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& @Author Song Huang *& @Date 2011/09/07 *& @Info Connection Keeper for network idle *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* report yidle. data: lv_mstxt type string, lv_perce type n length 2, lv_start type tzntstmpl, lv_curre type tzntstmpl, lv_tsecs type i, " Total Secs lv_tmins type i, " Total Mins lv_hours type n length 2, lv_chour type c length 2, lv_mins type n length 2, lv_cmins type c length 2, lv_secs type n length 2. class cl_abap_tstmp definition load. selection-screen begin of line. selection-screen comment (23) sspsecs. selection-screen position 25. parameters: p_secs type i. selection-screen end of line. initialization. sspsecs = 'Keeper MSG Per Seconds:'. start-of-selection. clear: lv_perce, lv_mins, lv_start, lv_curre. get time stamp field lv_start. do. get time stamp field lv_curre. lv_tsecs = cl_abap_tstmp=>subtract( tstmp1 = lv_curre tstmp2 = lv_start ). * Progress Indicator lv_hours = lv_tsecs div 3600. lv_mins = ( lv_tsecs mod 3600 ) div 60. lv_secs = ( lv_tsecs mod 3600 ) mod 60. lv_mstxt = 'Connection Keeper Running'. if lv_hours > 0. concatenate lv_mstxt lv_hours 'Hr' into lv_mstxt separated by space. if lv_hours > 1. concatenate lv_mstxt 's' into lv_mstxt. endif. endif. if lv_mins > 0. concatenate lv_mstxt lv_mins 'Min' into lv_mstxt separated by space. if lv_mins > 1. concatenate lv_mstxt 's' into lv_mstxt. endif. endif. if lv_secs > 0. concatenate lv_mstxt lv_secs 'Sec' into lv_mstxt separated by space. if lv_secs > 1. concatenate lv_mstxt 's' into lv_mstxt. endif. endif. concatenate lv_mstxt '...' into lv_mstxt separated by space. lv_tmins = ( lv_tsecs div 60 ) mod 60. lv_perce = lv_tmins * '1.666666667' . " 100% / 60min = 1.666666667° call function 'SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR' exporting percentage = lv_perce text = lv_mstxt. wait up to p_secs seconds. enddo.