2011年3月30日 星期三

[SD] Batch split items in invoice

The solution is provided in SAP note 77414
fyi, -While Creating Invoice for Batch split material, System copies all the batch items including main item, where as, system should copy/combine all batch split items into Main item, batch split items should not be shown in different line items in Invoice.- ?
In copy control from the delivery type to billing type VTFL, for the item category maintain billing quantity as G. This will ensure that the batches are clubbed into single line item. In Item Category of the Billing, goto VOV7 – maintain billing relevance as “M”.
  • Batch Management in STO, after creating delivery via VL10F, wrt: STO order, automatic batch determination is not happening for the batch managed material. But for the same Material, from SD it is working fine. System displays message as “ No Batch search procedure assigned to the order type”
In V/C5, batch has to assigned to the determination procedure in combination of Sales Org / Dist Channel / Division / Order type – Search Procedure / Check batch indicator.
※Sales area should be taken from STO-ME22n, Shipping tab at item level.
※Order type should be, default Order type from the specific Delivery type eg: NL-
Item Category for STO main item : NLN / batch item: ULN, both has to be marked for automatic batch determination indicator in IMG-LG-Batch Mgmt – Batch det’n & Batch check – Automatic batch det’n in SD – Activate Auto. Batch det’n for Delivery Item Cat’s
After following above procedure, system displays error message as “ Item Category is not maintained”
-Tcode:0184-Delivery item cat det’n Maintain entries as “Del type/Item cat group / Item Usage / High. Item Cat- Default, Item cat” Eg: NL – NORM – CHSP -= ULN
CHSP – Batch split item.
NOTE: Copy Controls from Delivery – billing at item level – ULN should not be maintained.

