2011年3月30日 星期三

[SD] SAP SD Questions and Answers

SAP SD 的問題與解答

SAP SD Questions and Answers. Most of the questions contain multiple answers

1 In reference mandatory in deliveries, which of the following are true?

  1. the system requires purchase order number (v)
  2. the system requires quotation
  3. the system does not require reference to a preceeding document (v)
  4. the system requires an invoice
  5. the system requires wage provision (v)

2 What is in the incompletion procedure and where is it assigned?

  1. The incompletion procedure allows you to control whether incomplete sales documents can be saved, for each sales document category. (v)
  2. Incompletion procedures can be set up and assigned at sales document category, item category or schedule line category level. (v)
  3. Partner functions, texts and condition types in Pricing cannot be included in the incompletion procedure.
  4. The incompletion procedure specifies the effect that incomplete data in the sales documents will have on further processing.(v)
  5. The incompletion procedure contains a list of fields for orders, deliveries and billing documents. To be able to save the document, you must complete these fields.

3 Billing supports which of the following activities?

  1. Creating credit memo requests
  2. Creating invoices for deliveries (v)
  3. Cancellation of previously posted billing documents (v)
  4. Automatic transfer of billing document data to accounting (v)
  5. Creating invoices for orders (v)

4 Which of the following statements are correct? (?)

  1. Consignment processing must always have a delivery document (v)
  2. Several shipping points can be assigned to a warehouse and plant
    • (SCM610 p.24) Several shipping points can be assigned to one plant with different loading equipment, different processing times, and so on.
  3. In cash processing, a billing document is automatically created after saving the sales order
    • (SCM605 p.172) In the sales document type for cash sales, the immediate delivery switch and delivery type BV are configured. When you save the cash sale, the system automatically creates a delivery of type BV and prints a document that can be given to the customer as an invoice.
      You control the invoice papers with output type RD03, contained in the output determination procedure for order type CS.
      Once the goods have been withdrawn from the warehouse, picking and posting goods issue can begin.
      An order-related billing index is generated automatically. This updates the billing due list. Billing type BV is created while the billing due list is being processed. The system does not print invoices during billing.
  4. You can activate automatic picking when creating a sales order (v)
  5. You can disallow processing of partial rebate settlement (v)
    • (SCM620 p.216) Partial rebate settlements can be limited for each rebate agreement type, as follows:
      • Up to the accumulated accrual amount
      • Up to the calculated payment amount for the current date
      • Unlimited

5 Date formats in transactions can be set by

  1. Sales organization
  2. User (V)
  3. Company
  4. Plant
  5. Shipping Point

6 Plant determination covers which of the following?

  1. Material master (V)
  2. Customer-material condition record
  3. Customer master (V)
  4. Customer-material info record (V)
  5. Sales document type

7 Which of the following are features of a customer account group

  1. Number range (V)
  2. Structure of the master record input screens (V)
  3. One time customer setting (V)
  4. Number assignment (V)
  5. Output determination (V)
    • (SCM650 p.163) The account group specifies:
      • Which entries in the master record are required or optional (field selection)
      • The number range for the customer account number
      • Whether the number is assigned by the user or the system (external or internal number assignment)
      • Whether or not the account is a one-time account (conto pro diverse)
      • Which output determination procedure is used

8 Which of the following statements about transportation is correct? (?)

  1. Transportation planning point is the central point within the company that plans, processes, and monitors shipments (V)
    • (SCM611 p.24) The transportation planning point is the central point within the company that plans, processes, and monitors shipments. It can be a location or a group of people responsible for processing.
    • (SCM601 p.30) The transportation planning point is usually assigned to a company code. This specific connection between the transportation planning point and the organizational unit, at which level the system calculates the balance, profit, and loss, is required for calculating and settling freight costs. You can only connect a transportation planning point to one company code.
  2. A shipment is a collection of outbound deliveries that are shipped together (V)
    • (SCM611 p.6) A shipment is a collection of inbound or outbound deliveries that are shipped together. The inbound or outbound deliveries of the shipment therefore have the same shipping conditions.
  3. The shipment document provides functionality wherein outbound deliveries are combined to form outbound shipments (V)
    • (SCM611 p.66) The planning profile contains a combination profile variant. This determines which criteria is used to combine the selected deliveries in shipments.
  4. Transportation planning points can be assigned to one or more company codes (V)(?)
  5. A shipment is a collection of inbound deliveries that are shipped together (?)

9 SAP Open Information Warehouse is a generic term for all SAP information system solutions. It contains which of the following information systems? (?)

  1. HIS – Human Resources Information System (V)
  2. PMIS – Plant Maintenance Information System
  3. EIS – Executive Information System (V)
  4. QMIS – Quality Management Information System
  5. LIS – Logistics Information System (V)
    • (SCM600 p.378) The following information systems are available in Logistics:
      • SIS Sales Information System
      • PURCHIS Purchasing Information System
      • INVCO Inventory Controlling
      • TIS Transportation Information System
      • SFIS Shop Floor Information System
      • QMIS Quality Management Information System
      • PMIS Plant Maintenance Information System

10 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. An inclusive bonus quantity refers to a situation where free goods come in the form of extra goods that are free of charge
    • (SCM605 p.287) Free goods can be part of the order quantity not included in the invoice. This is called an inclusive bonus quantity. The ordered goods and the free goods both involve the same material. The quantity units of the free goods and ordered goods must be the same.
      Free goods can also take the form of extra goods that are free of charge. These are called exclusive bonus quantities.
      In exclusive bonus quantities, the extra goods are delivered free of charge and are not included in the invoice. This can either be an additional quantity of the goods ordered or it can be another article.
      The exclusive free goods appear in the sales document as a separate, free-of-charge item.
  2. The sales deal number can be found in the item view of the delivery document
    • (SCM620 p.198) The sales deal number and promotion number fields are displayed in the detail screen of the billing item.
  3. The promotion number can be found in the detail screen of the billing document (V)
  4. You can see delivery status information from the header and item level of the outbound delivery (V)
  5. The overall processing status of the outbound delivery is IN PROCESS until the post goods issue has been completed
    • (SCM600 p.100) The subsequent document billing document has not yet been entered for outbound delivery. The document maintains the status in process until shipping processing is completed by the creation of the billing document.

11 What part of the company is responsible for the type of shipping, the necessary shipping materials and the means of transport?

  1. Sales organization
  2. Transportation planning point
  3. Shipping condition
  4. Shipping point (V)
  5. Warehouse

12 What is the central organizational structure in purchasing?

  1. Purchasing Organization (V)
  2. Purchasing Group
  3. Receiving point
  4. Plant
  5. Shipping Point

13 Which of the following forms part of the scope of availability check? (?)

  1. safety stock (V)
  2. blocked stock (V)
  3. replenishment leadtime (V)
  4. transportation planning time
  5. picking
    • (SCM600 p.243) In Customizing, you can configure which elements are included in an availability check, according to the transaction you are using. In this way, you define which types of stock (for example, safety stock, stock in transfer or stock in quality inspection), which inward movements (for example, purchase or production orders), and which outward movements (for example, sales orders, reservations from Materials Management) should be included in the check.

14 Which of these statements about the pricing procedure are correct?

  1. The pricing procedure defines all condition types that are possible in a sales document (V)
    • (SCM620 p.19) All condition types permitted in pricing are available in the pricing procedure.
  2. The conditions in the pricing screen of the customer order can always be changed manually.
    • (SCM620 p.24) You can prevent one condition type from being changed manually by making the appropriate settings in customizing.
  3. The material’s MRP type setting helps determine the relevant pricing procedure in a transaction.
    • (SCM620 p.55) The pricing procedure is determined according to the following factors:
      • Sales area
      • Customer pricing procedure field in the customer master
      • Document pricing procedure field that is assigned to the sales document type
  4. The pricing procedure defines the sequence, in which the conditions are set in the business document. (V)
    • (SCM620 p.19) The sequence in which the system accesses the conditions in the business document is also determined in the pricing procedure.
  5. The pricing procedure allows conditions to be put together to make subtotals. (V)
    • (SCM620 p.19) The reference level provides a method to specify a different basis to calculate the condition type and to group conditions for subtotals.
      The pricing procedure can contain any number of subtotals.

15 Which of these statements on the availability check are correct?

  1. The availability check is always carried out in the order.
    • (SCM600 p.240 Figure82) An availability check carried out during sales order processing if:
      • The material requires an availability check.
      • The availability check is set in Customizing for this transaction.
  2. The indicator for controlling complete/partial deliveries is set from the customer master record. It can be manually changed during sales order entry. (V)
    • (SCM600 p.245) The indicator for controlling complete/partial deliveries is proposed from the customer master record. The proposal for the item level comes from the customer-material info, if a customer and material agreement has been maintained there. These indicators can be manually changed during sales order entry.
  3. Inward and outward movements in the stock are taken into account in the availability check. (V)
    • (SCM600 p.243) In Customizing, you can configure which elements are included in an availability check, according to the transaction you are using. In this way, you define which types of stock (for example, safety stock, stock in transfer or stock in quality inspection), which inward movements (for example, purchase or production orders), and which outward movements (for example, sales orders, reservations from Materials Management) should be included in the check.
  4. In each case the replenishment lead time is always taken into account.
    • (SCM600 p.267) When you display the Scope of check, the field Check without RLT is not selected. This means that in this case the replenishment lead time has been taken into account.
  5. The indicator used for processing complete and partial deliveries can be changed manually in sales order entry. (V)

16 Which of the following are effects of a post goods issue?

  1. Generates delivery due list
  2. Generates additional documents for accounting (V)
  3. Updates document flow (V)
  4. Updates value changes in the balance sheet accounts for inventory accounting (V)
  5. Automatically transfers billing data to accounting

17 SAP’s New Dimension Products include

  1. Customer Relationship Management (V)
  2. Business to Business Procurement (V)
  3. Online Service System (SAPNet)
  4. Business Information Warehouse (V)
  5. mySAP.com Marketplace

18 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. A sales order is an electronic document that records your customer’s request for goods and services (V)
    • (SCM600 p.61) A sales order is an electronic document that captures and records your customer's request for goods or services.
  2. In shipping, you must always post goods issue (V)
  3. A delivery document can be created with reference to a pre-sales document
    • (SCM600 p.71) Outbound deliveries are created for orders that are ready to be shipped. The system copies the relevant data from the order to the outbound delivery.
  4. You can allow pricing condition to be effective only for the first 3 orders (V)
    • (SCM600 p.122) Values can be accumulated in condition records and tested against limits. In this way, you can set a maximum condition value, condition base value, or number of orders for a condition.
      The cumulative values in the condition record can be displayed.
  5. Master data for header conditions is always controlled through a release procedure

19 Which of the following statements are correct? (?)

  1. SAPNet always carries the latest announcements about SAP including documentation (V)
  2. BOM on sales can be controlled by configuring your sales document type
    • (SCM605 p.104) The individual item categories control what a bill of material can do in a sales document.
  3. Plant assignment is the main factor that drives a cross company transaction in a sales transaction (V)
    • (SCM605 p.35) It is also possible for the delivering plant of a distribution chain to belong to a different independent company in the corporate group (that is, the plant belongs to a different company code to the sales organization). This is known as Cross-Company Sales.
  4. Output master data drives a cash and rush order to automate creation of transfer order (V)
  5. Output types can be maintained in customer master (V)

20 Item category in sales is determined through which of the following?

  1. Sales organization
  2. Sales area
  3. Sales Document type (v)
  4. High level item category (v)
  5. Usage (v)
    • (SCM605 p.111) Check the assignment of the respective item categories.
      → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales Document Item → Assign Item Categories.
      key field
      Key field 1:
      Sales document type
      Key field 2:
      Item category group
      Key field 3:
      Item usage
      Key field 4:
      Item category of higher-level item

21 Under the standard system, which sales order contains a mandatory reference?

  1. Free of charge delivery
  2. Invoice Correction Request (V)
  3. Consignment sales
  4. Return Order
  5. Subsequent delivery free of charge (V)

22 For one to be able to utilize transportation processing, transportation relevance should be maintained for which of the following?

  1. Sales document type
  2. Delivery document type (V)
  3. Sales document item category
  4. Delivery item category (V)
  5. Routes (V)
    • (SCM611 p.43) The delivery type, the delivery item category, and the route in the delivery uses transportation relevance to control whether a shipment can be created or not.

23 In using the Proof of Delivery functionality, which of the following settings must be defined?

  1. Set POD relevance in the material master data
  2. Set sales document type as relevant for POD
  3. Set delivery item category as relevant for POD (V)
  4. Set POD relevance in the customer master data (V)
  5. Set delivery document type as relevant for POD
    • (SCM610 p.220) Before you can use the proof of delivery function, you need to define which delivery item categories are relevant for the POB process. You also need to define reasons for deviation, and in the customer master you are using for the POB process, specify POB relevance.

24 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. A shipping point can process outbound deliveries from several plants (V)
    • (SCM610 p.24) A shipping point can process the outbound deliveries of several plants. This is only useful if the plants are located in the same general vicinity.
  2. Several storage locations within a plant can point to the same warehouse number (V)
    • (SCM610 p.23) Several storage locations within a plant can refer to the same warehouse number. As a result, they form the warehouse complex from the point of view of Inventory Management.
  3. Outbound delivery is processed from a single shipping point (V)
    • (SCM610 p.24) A shipping point is an independent organizational unit at a fixed location that processes and monitors outbound deliveries and goods issue. An outbound delivery is processed from a single shipping point.
  4. A transportation planning point is an independent organizational unit that processes outbound deliveries
    • (SCM611 p.24) The transportation planning point is the central point within the company that plans, processes, and monitors shipments . It can be a location or a group of people responsible for processing.
  5. A plant should only have 1 shipping point
    • (SCM610 p.24) Several shipping points can be assigned to one plant with different loading equipment, different processing times, and so on.

25 An organizational divisioning of a plant for the purpose of maintaining materials that are stored in different places

  1. Storage location
  2. Shipping point
  3. Transportation planning point
  4. Shipping condition
  5. Warehouse (V)

26 Which of the following statements are correct? (?)

  1. Relationship between sales organization & plants = One to Many
  2. Relationship between sales organization & company codes = Many to Many
  3. Relationship between plant & company code = Many to One (V)
  4. Relationship between sales organization & company codes = Many to One (V)
  5. Relationship between sales organization & client = many to many

27 If warehouse management system is active, to what would you assign the warehouse structure?

  1. Shipping condition
  2. Shipping point
  3. Plant (V)
  4. Storage condition
  5. Storage location (V)

28 When system checks for material availability, which of the following does it consider?

  1. reservations (V)
  2. planned orders (V)
  3. replenishment leadtime (V)
  4. transit time
  5. post goods issue date

29 Which of the following statements apply to rebate processing?

  1. Accruals are created automatically for transactions prior to agreement date.
  2. Rebate settlements are also possible as partial payments. (V)
  3. Accruals are created automatically during the posting transactions. (V)
  4. Accruals can only be created manually directly in Financial Accounting.
  5. During lump sum payment, a revenue-independent rebate is granted.

30 Which of these statements on transportation planning points is correct?

  1. The transportation planning point is always linked to a shipping point.
    • (SCM611 p.24) The transportation planning point is the central point within the company that plans, processes, and monitors shipments. It can be a location or a group of people responsible for processing.
  2. Several deliveries can be combined in one shipment. (V)
    • (SCM611 p.55) You can also use a planning proposal. This is a pre-defined profile whose rules are used to determine how deliveries are automatically combined into shipments and completed with data.
  3. The transportation planning point is linked to other organizational units in Logistics.
    • No, refer to a.
  4. Several transportation planning points can be assigned to a company code (V)
    • Yes, refer to a.
  5. A transportation planning point can plan deliveries that are to be shipped from several shipping points. (V)

31 SAP Advance Planner and Optimizer covers which of the following

  1. Supply Network Planning (V)
  2. SAP Online Store
  3. Supply Chain Cockpit (V)
  4. Production Planning & Detailed Scheduling (V)
  5. Intranet/Self-service

33 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. You can add fields in the field catalogs (V)
  2. You can control conditions so that it is applied as a fixed amount (V)
  3. Condition records always contain an access sequence
    • (SCM620 p.20) An access sequence can be assigned to a condition type (except for condition types configured as a header condition) .
  4. You cannot assign Output to a customer master data (?)
  5. You can give an item to a customer for free in an order even without a master data created for it (V)

34 In 3rd party processing, which of the following statements are correct?

  1. Vendor supplies customer (V)
  2. Company sends bill to vendor
  3. Vendor bills the customer
  4. PO is issued to vendor (V)
  5. PR is automatically created (V)

35 Storage location can be determined by setting determination covering which of the following?

  1. Shipping condition
  2. Plant (V)
  3. Storage condition (V)
  4. Shipping Point (V)
  5. Loading Group
    • (SCM610 p.95) The system determines the picking location based on a rule defined in the delivery type. The following rules are shipped in the standard system:
      • MALA: The picking location is determined based on the shipping point, the delivering plant, and the storage condition for the material as defined in the material master.
      • RETA and MARE: These rules are mainly used in trade scenarios.
      You can also use the customer exit in SAP enhancement V02V0002 to implement storage location determination.

36 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. You can change condition records manually (V)
  2. You cannot create a reference to an expired quotation (V)
  3. You cannot enter a material without a material master record
  4. You cannot use customer material number if you do not have master record maintained
  5. You can assign several plants to a company code (V)

37 Route determination involves which of the following?

  1. Shipping condition (V)
  2. Shipping point (?)
  3. Destination country/Zone (V)
  4. Transportation Group (V)
  5. Storage condition
    • (SCM610 p.72) Route determination is carried out in the order item and depends on:
      • The country and the departure zone of the shipping point (assigned in Customizing)
      • The shipping condition agreed in the sales document type or with the sold-to party
      • The transportation group assigned to the material
      • The country and the transportation zone of the ship-to party (assigned in the customer master record)

38 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. You can determine whether billing is to be carried out with reference to a delivery or order in the customizing for the sales document type
    • No, in the item category .
    • (SCM615 p.33) In Customizing for the item category, you can determine whether billing is to be carried out with reference to a delivery or an order.
  2. You can create credit memo request with reference to an order (V)
  3. You can create only one shipment cost document for every shipment document (V)
  4. You can create a delivery document with reference to a quotation IF the quotation is still valid.
  5. You cannot find sales price of the material from the material master data

39 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. You can assign several sales offices to one or more sales organization
    • sales area ?
  2. You can limit a pricing agreement to a certain period by specifying a scale in the condition record
  3. You can select a different calculation type when creating a condition record different from the one set in customizing (V)
  4. You can control condition records by limiting access as per maximum quantity of materials sold (V)
  5. You can create a rebate agreement based on customer hierarchy (V)

40 An organizational unit facilitating differentiation between the various stocks of a material within a plant

  1. Shipping point
  2. Storage location (V)
  3. Transportation planning point
  4. Shipping condition
  5. Plant

41 What is the highest organizational unit in PP module?

  1. Sales organization
  2. Plant (V)
  3. Company Code
  4. Client
  5. Controlling Area

42 Which of the following statements are true about deliveries?

  1. When creating the outbound delivery using automatic batch determination, this function must first be activated in the delivery document type
    • (SCM610 p.141) Using automatic batch determination when creating the outbound delivery
      ( this function must first be activated in the delivery item category )
  2. Other items can be included in the delivery, but these must refer to the same order.
  3. A delivery can include other order items, which fit the delivery header. (V)
  4. Order-independent items can be added manually in delivery (V)
  5. Order-independent items can be generated for shipping material using the packing functionality (V)

43 Which of the following statements are true?

  1. Credit memos and debit memos can only be created with a reference document. (V)
  2. The billing type controls whether a billing document should refer to a preceding document.
  3. The item category determines whether billing is order or delivery-related. (V)
  4. The business partners are shown by partner types, the role of the partner is shown by the partner function. In the customer master a partner can only be assigned to one partner function.
  5. Customizing of the order type determines whether the system should set a billing block. (V)

44 Which of these statements on standard analysis are correct?

  1. It is possible to call up another standard analysis from an existing one. (V)
  2. You can enter a single value or a range of values in every selection screen of the standard analyses (V)
  3. Each standard analysis has its own standard drill-down, which can be set so that it is user-specific or open to all users. (V)
  4. You can display the complete master record or document information from the list created by standard analyses. (V)
  5. The selection of key figures cannot be changed at a later date in the standard analysis.

45 Which of the following are benefits of mySAP.com Workplace?

  1. Content rich communities available for better decision making
  2. Access to a broad band scope of suppliers
  3. User friendly Web browser interface (V)
  4. Access via the Internet anytime, anywhere (V)
  5. Seamless integration in mySAP.com environment (V)

46 Which are correct as far as Phases of ASAP is concerned?

  1. Business Blueprint (V)
  2. Early Watch
  3. Project Training
  4. Final Preparation (V)
  5. Realization (V)

47 The billing process supports which of the following?

  1. Billing for deliveries made (V)
  2. Create billing for orders received (V)
  3. Change in material inventory and delivery requirements
  4. Generates billing due list based on shipping point (V)
  5. Non transfer of accounting data to accounting (V) (?)

48 Shipping point can be determined automatically using which of the following?

  1. Shipping condition (V)
  2. Storage condition
  3. Shipping type
  4. Plant (V)
  5. Loading Group (V)
    • (SCM601 p.144) The three factors that define shipping point determination are the shipping condition valid for the order, the delivering plant , and the loading group of the material in the delivering plant.

49 Which of the following statements about billing plans are true?

  1. It is possible to store detailed billing plan with several billing dates at item level (V)
    • (SCM615 p.118) When processing an order, instead of storing a single billing date, you can store a detailed billing plan with several billing dates in the sales document at item level.
  2. In order to define billing plan at header level, header billing plans must be assigned to sales document types (V)
    • (SCM615 p.118) You can also define a billing plan at header level, which is then valid for all items assigned to it. These header billing plans are assigned to sales document types.
  3. Periodic billing is used to spread billing of the full amount over several dates within the billing plan
    • (SCM615 p.119) Periodic billing is often used for rental and service agreements, in order to bill the full amount periodically at certain dates.
  4. Milestone billing is used to bill the full amount of the contract periodically at certain dates as specified in the billing plan
    • (SCM615 p.119) Milestone billing is often used in plant engineering and construction, in order to spread billing of the full amount over several dates within a billing plan.
  5. In milestone billing plan, it is possible to control whether a billing date needs to be updated with the actual date of the milestone (V)
    • (SCM615 p.120) When you create a billing document, the system updates the status of the billing plan dates.

50 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. In rush order processing, it is possible to print invoice document from the sales document
  2. In consignment processing, goods are delivered to the customer but remain the property of the seller until they are actually used (V)
  3. For both rush and cash orders, the default configuration automatically creates a delivery document once the orders are saved(V)
  4. Consignment issue is not relevant for picking (V)
  5. Consignment fill up is not relevant for picking

51 Which of the following fields are considered by the system when it decides which pricing procedure to use?

  1. Sales document type
  2. Sales area (V)
  3. MRP Type
  4. Customer Pricing procedure (V)
  5. Document pricing procedure (V)
    • (SCM620 p.21) First, the relevant pricing procedure is determined based on the sales area , customer , and sales document type .

52 Which of the following requisites should be set in order to implement rebate processing

  1. Rebate processing must be activated for sales document type
  2. Rebate processing must be activated for payer master data (V)
  3. Rebate processing must be activated for billing document type (V)
  4. Rebate processing must be activated for company code
  5. Rebate processing must be activated for sales organization (V)
    • (SCM620 p.210) To function properly, rebate processing must be activated for:
      • The sales organization
      • The payer master
      • The billing document type
      To improve performance, you should deactivate rebate processing if it is not necessary.

56 What is the highest organizational unit in FI module?

  1. Sales organization
  2. Plant
  3. Company Code (V)
  4. Client
  5. Controlling Area

57 When creating sales orders, which of the following statements apply?

  1. Every order is clearly assigned to a sales area. (V)
  2. Data which is determined automatically during order entry from the customer or material master record cannot be changed manually.
  3. During order entry you can also work with the individual material numbers from the ordering party. (V)
  4. Data at header level always applies to all items.
  5. A delivery block can be set at schedule line level. (V)

58 Which of the following statements on material determination are correct?

  1. The material number for the material being replaced does not require a material master record. (V)
  2. Manual as well as automatic product selection depends on the availability situation.
  3. During processing of material determination condition records, you can define the validity period. (V)
  4. In product selection condition records can only be created which are dependent on the material number.
  5. Using material determination, a material entered during sales order entry can be replaced by a replacement material. (V)

59 Which of these statements on consignment are correct?

  1. Consignment fill-up sends goods to customer’s non-valuated stock.
  2. In the standard configuration for a Consignment return, the billing document is automatically posted to accounting (V)
  3. Consignment fill-up creates a special stock for the customer, after posting goods issue. (V)
  4. After goods issue the goods remain in the delivering plant’s valuated stock for consignment fill-up. (V)
  5. In the standard configuration for a Consignment fill-up, the billing document is automatically posted to accounting

60 Key benefits of mySAP.com Marketplace are as follows:

  1. Single sign-on access to all services
  2. Access to a broad band scope of suppliers (V)
  3. Personalized home page (V)
  4. User friendly Web browser interface
  5. Reduce costs of interaction with external partners (V)

61 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. At least 1 sales organization must be assigned to a client
  2. Business areas are limited by company codes
  3. Credit control areas can be assigned to many business areas
  4. More than one transportation planning point can be assigned to a unique company code (V)
  5. A plant cannot be assigned to many company codes (V)

62 Which of the following statements about document flow are correct?

  1. Customer questions can be answered quickly and reliably (V)
  2. Document flow is updated on item level only
  3. Only succeeding documents are displayed
  4. Preceding documents are sometimes displayed
  5. Credit information can be derived (V)

64 Packing function is available in which areas?

  1. Outbound delivery (V)
  2. Sales order (V)
  3. Shipment document (V)
  4. Billing document
  5. Pre-sales

65 For you to have a billing plan type at item level, it is important that an assignment be made to which of the following?

  1. Sales document type
  2. Delivery document type
  3. Billing document type
  4. Sales item category (V)
  5. Delivery item category

66 The individual physical tables in the SAP Information Warehouse are called what?

  1. Key figures
  2. Characteristics
  3. Info structures (V)
  4. Time base
  5. Period units

67 Which of the following fields can be utilized for the system to apply tax?

  1. Departure zone
  2. Destination country (V)
  3. Tax identification number (V)
  4. Material tax classification (V)
  5. Destination zone

68 Which of the following statements about material determination are true?

  1. A material master record is not required for the material number that is being replaced (V)
  2. Material determination is a tool to automatically exchange materials in the sales document (V)
  3. In material determination, the system automatically searches for valid master records previously created in material determination (V)
  4. The sales document header overview contains information about the material that was originally entered as well as the reason for substitution
  5. During order entry, the material ordered by the customer is replaced by the substitute defined in the master record (V)

70 How is the schedule line determined?

  1. MRP type and item category group
  2. MRP Type and shipping point
  3. Item category and document type
  4. Item category and MRP type on the material master record (V)
  5. Item category group and strategy group on the material master record

71 Which of the following statements are true about Sales Organization?

  1. Assigned to only one company code (V)
  2. Assigned to one or more plants (V)
  3. Provides a general structure for the distribution of goods
  4. Responsible for product liability and other customer rights of recourse (V)
  5. Use of this organizational unit is optional

72 Which of the following can be considered main components of mySAP.com Marketplace?

  1. Communities (V)
  2. Early watch
  3. One Step Business (V)
  4. Services (V)
  5. Demand Planning

73 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. Transportation planning point can be assigned to several company codes
  2. You can indicate a delivery block from the schedule line (V)
  3. A delivery block can be set at item level in a sales document (V)
  4. You can maintain a packaging material which cannot be used for packing in delivery (V)
  5. Consignment return is not billable

74 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. Schedule lines in delivery confirms when materials can be delivered
  2. Post goods issue cannot be posted per line item (V)
  3. Split analysis can be found in billing document (V)
  4. Release orders must always be created for contracts
  5. A billing block can be set in the schedule line

75 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. Item category determination in delivery is done for order-independent items (V)
  2. A sales order can refer to an expired quotation (V)
  3. In sales document type configuration it is possible to set mandatory reference to a delivery document
  4. It is mandatory to enter the end date in a contract
  5. Item category determination in delivery is done for order-dependent items

76 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. You can maintain the customer centrally only on the FI module
  2. You can maintain 1 credit limit for a group of customers (V)
  3. You cannot block use of a sales document type once it is assigned to a specific sales area
  4. You cannot create a shipment document if route is not relevant (V)
  5. You can do a transaction that would automatically check if a valid quotation is available for referencing (V)

77 Which of the following statements about Downpayment processing and Installment plans are true?

  1. Condition type AZWR is used for down payment items in sales documents rather than the usual PR00 (V)
  2. Billing type FAZ is used in creating the Downpayment request (V)
  3. Downpayment is carried out utilizing the payment term functionality
  4. Only one billing document is created for all of the installment payments (V)
  5. It is possible to set an installment plan for more than 3 installment payments (V)

78 Which of the following statements are correct?

  1. The sales deal number can be found in the item view of the sales document
  2. An exclusive bonus quantity refers to a situation where free goods come in the form of extra goods that are free of charge (V)
  3. The sales deal number can be found in the item view of the billing document (V)
  4. You can set delivery agreements using indicators in the customer-material info record (V)
  5. The promotion number can be found in the detail screen of the sales document

79 Which organizational units make up a sales area?

  1. Client
  2. Shipping point
  3. Sales organization (V)
  4. Division (V)
  5. Distribution channel (V)

80 Which of the following are true about a plant?

  1. Can be a production facility and location for storing stocks (V)
  2. Can be assigned to several company codes
  3. Is assigned to a credit control area (V) (?)
  4. Is assigned to a combination sales organization and distribution channel (V)
  5. Can represent one or more material stock locations (V)

81 Which of the following statements holds true about consignments?

  1. Consignment fill-up is relevant for picking (V)
  2. In consignment pick-up, materials delivered are moved into the plant’s special stocks
  3. Consignment issue is relevant for picking
  4. In completing the process of a consignment return, the customer receivables is decreased (V)
  5. Consignment return is relevant for picking

82 Which of the following statements are true?

  1. In Customizing, you can configure which elements are included in an availability check, according to the transaction you are using. (V)
  2. A transaction variant is assigned to exactly one transaction and each transaction can have several variants. (V)
  3. Availability check is carried out at plant level (V)
  4. Billing for cross company sales transactions can be made automatic with a specific output type (V)
  5. In cash order processing, it is possible to print invoice document from the sales document (V)

83 In backward scheduling, SAP tries to determine the date at which you should be creating your delivery document. Which of the following does it consider?

  1. Transit lead time
  2. Lead time in Transportation Planning (V)
  3. Replenishment lead time
  4. Lead time in Picking and Packing (V)
  5. Incoming purchase orders
    • (SCM610 p.73) Scheduling takes into account the following times:
      • Transit time: Time required to ship a delivery to the ship-to party
      • Loading time: Time required to load the goods
      • Pick/pack time: Time required for picking, packing, and so on
      • Transportation planning lead time: Time required to organize the shipment
    The loading time and pick/pack time come from the shipping point; the transit time and the transportation planning time come from the route.

85 If I am doing precise scheduling, what should I expect?

  1. Pick / pack lead time is defaulted to shipping point
  2. Working times of shipping point is maintained (V)
  3. Loading time is maintained in hours and minutes (V)
  4. Transit time is considered in shipping point
  5. Pick / pack lead time is maintained in days
    • (SCM610 p.75) In precise scheduling, pick/pack and loading times are specified in hours and minutes. The working times of the shipping point are taken into account during scheduling.

86 In Billing, before an accounting document is created, which of the following data can be changed?

  1. Billing date (V)
  2. Partner function
  3. Account determination (V)
  4. Output determination data (V)
  5. Shipping Point

87 Where can I find pricing type updates?

  1. Sales document type
  2. Pricing Procedure (V)
  3. Copying Control (V)
  4. Item category
  5. Delivery document type

90 Which of the following statements are correct

  1. Incoming deliveries are processed in Sales and Distribution module
  2. Outgoing deliveries are processed in Sales and Distribution (V)
  3. Incoming deliveries are processed in Materials Management module (V)
  4. Outgoing deliveries are processed in Materials management module

93 In availability check, what enterprise structure does the system use as basis?

  1. Shipping Point
  2. Company Code
  3. Plant (V)
  4. Sales Organization
  5. Warehouse

100 In mandatory reference setting in the sales order, which of the following can you use?

  1. Sales order document (V)
  2. Inquiry document (V)
  3. Quotation document (V)
  4. Delivery document
  5. Billing document (V)

101 In an accounting document, which of the following are possible account postings that you can see?

  1. Accruals (V)
  2. Sales Revenue (V)
  3. Cash Clearing (V) (?)
  4. Output tax (V)
  5. Sales deductions (V)

102 Which of the following statements are correct as far as Payment Cards are concerned?

  1. A payment card plan is assigned to the sales order at header and item level (?)
  2. It is possible to view payment card details in the customer master data – change mode (V)
  3. It is possible to control whether more than 1 payment cards can be used in one transaction (V)
  4. Payment card types must be assigned to all sales document types for which payment card processing is permitted
  5. The house bank of the merchant issues authorization for the payment card and carries out settlement

103 Which of the following statements are true?

  1. Profitability analysis procedures can be costing based or account based (V)
  2. In costing based profitability analysis, costing is transferred to CO-PA as soon as data is posted to FI from SD
  3. In account based profitability analysis, data is transferred to CO-PA as soon as an order is created
  4. CO-PA calculates the profit for a certain profitability segment by transferring data from SD (V)
  5. Profitability analysis allows you to implement different profitability analyses because it examines the profitability of individual partial markets or market segments (V)

104 An agreement has been reached with a very important customer wherein all sales orders delivered for this customer must be billed once a month only. Which of the following settings are relevant?

  1. Enter factory calendar in the material master
  2. Enter factory calendar in the customer-material info record
  3. Enter factory calendar in the customer master record (V)
  4. Maintain individual billing dates in the factory calendar using special rules (V)
  5. Enter factory calendar in the sales organization

105 Which of the following statements about partner determination is correct?

  1. Sales activity — Partner determination procedure is assigned to sales activity type (V) (?)
  2. Shipment — Partner determination procedure is assigned to shipment type (V)
  3. Billing header — Partner determination procedure is assigned to billing document type (?)
  4. Billing item — Partner determination procedure is assigned to billing item category (V) (?)
  5. Delivery — Partner determination procedure is assigned to delivery document type (V)
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