2011年3月30日 星期三

[SD] User Exits For Contract Processing

The following SAP enhancement is available in sales processing:
  • V45W0001 Function module exit for copying sales header data into items.
    This enhancement contains the user exit:
    • EXIT_SAPLV45W_001


  1. Create your enhancement, using a project. You can either use an existing one or create a new one.
Supplement the coding delivered by SAP. SAP provides you with the necessary function modules with short texts, interface and documentation.
  1. Activate the project.
The ABAP coding will only run once the project has been activated. Until then the enhancements will not take effect.

Further notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can be used in any release. This is because they are defined in your own system and not in the SAP original system. You can find the documentation about the enhancement by activating the "SAP docu" key in the enhancement transaction.

