2011年3月30日 星期三

[SD] User Exits For Product Allocation Processing

The following SAP enhancements are available for the area of 'product allocation':
  • SDQUX0001 Function module exit for enhanced check in SD product allocation
  1. Create the enhancement. Create a new project for it or use an existing project.
Supplement the coding supplied by SAP. SAP will provide you with the necessary function modules with short text, interface and
  1. documentation.
Activate the project. This will run the ABAP coding. If you do not activate the project the
user exit will not come into affect.
In contrast to modifications, user exits are suitable for release as they are not carried out in original coding provided by SAP but in your own particular program.
You will find a more detailed description of the procedures for configuring extensions in the "Extension of SAP Transactions" documentation. Select the path Help --> Online help. in the extension transaction.

